Correspondence- May 29th 2021
May 29th 2021 From Charles
Hey JoyGenea & Tom,
Just checking in. Here is the latest; not finished, since you like flags I thought I would send a shot. Enjoy the Holiday weekend!!!!!! I am sure Hawaii was good!
June 3rd 2021 from JoyGenea
I love it.
The frame looks great with that.
Your right…I love the flag.
Hawaii was wonderful and Tom really got into relaxing and snorkeling. It was so fun to explore together.
As for Dad’s good-bye, we finally have some dates. July 12th 11am in Grand Rapids and July 13th at 11am at Camp Ripley.
I helped Nic buy his tickets today and we have a place to stay in Grand Rapids. Now all we need are to put together the event.
I have thought of you both in this process and been so appreciative of your support and ear. There is no MAD RUSH to all of this. We will just move at the speed we move at and stuff will get done or it won’t. I am just focused on my time with my brothers and making new memories.
In the end for me right now, it is all about the living. They are worth the investment of time and energy. The rest is in the past and can’t be changed, I can just say good-bye to it as I need to.
That is how I see it right now.
What are you guys up to this weekend? I ask because we might have some time to stop in and talk painting and to pick up my other one.
Let me know if there is any time for something like that.
Thanks for all of the support.